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what to do after dropping out of uni
Making the decision to drop out of university requires a lot of courage and maturity, but mostly it requires preparation and planning. Knowing what to do after dropping out of uni can help make the transition from education to working life a little bit smoother.
It’s perfectly natural to decide that your course wasn’t what you expected it would be, or to find it too expensive, or to simply not enjoy the university lifestyle. There is nothing undignified about changing your mind once you’re there. In fact, more than 26,000 students dropped out of university in 2013/14.
Whatever the reason, it isn’t the end of the world. University is not the only path to a successful life and career. However, before making the decision to drop out of university, it is highly useful to know what your options are.
With so much pressure from schools and parents put on students to attend university, it might become hard to consider the many other career routes there are, which can provide you with just as prosperous a future.
If you are one of the thousands who discovered that university doesn’t necessarily give you ‘the best three years of your life' and are searching for a new direction to go in, then read on - there is something better suited for you out there somewhere. More...

Good customer service: everyone thinks they offer it; no one will admit to bad service unless they have to. But, how can you differentiate ‘good’ from ‘great’ customer service that gains you glowing online reviews, fantastic testimonials and customer recommendations left, right and centre?

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There is nothing worse than a boiler breaking down or having a plumbing issue during winter. No heating or warm water could mean some chilly days are in store. So, what can you do to prevent the big freeze taking over a home?

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If you have a demanding career, then having to retrain to go into another may seem daunting. Bekani left a long-standing position with the Royal Engineers’ Bomb Disposal Unit for a career in trade and hasn’t looked back.

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what to do after dropping out of uni
Making the decision to drop out of university requires a lot of courage and maturity, but mostly it requires preparation and planning. Knowing what to do after dropping out of uni can help make the transition from education to working life a little bit smoother.
It’s perfectly natural to decide that your course wasn’t what you expected it would be, or to find it too expensive, or to simply not enjoy the university lifestyle. There is nothing undignified about changing your mind once you’re there. In fact, more than 26,000 students dropped out of university in 2013/14.
Whatever the reason, it isn’t the end of the world. University is not the only path to a successful life and career. However, before making the decision to drop out of university, it is highly useful to know what your options are.
With so much pressure from schools and parents put on students to attend university, it might become hard to consider the many other career routes there are, which can provide you with just as prosperous a future.
If you are one of the thousands who discovered that university doesn’t necessarily give you ‘the best three years of your life' and are searching for a new direction to go in, then read on - there is something better suited for you out there somewhere. More...

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